
Bind an event to an element, and display a overlay when triggered.


import { Whisper } from 'rsuite';

// or
import Whisper from 'rsuite/Whisper';





Property Type (Default) Description
container HTMLElement | (() => HTMLElement) Sets the rendering container
controlId string Set the id on <Overlay> and aria-describedby on <Whisper>
defaultOpen boolean Whether to open the overlay by default
delay number Delay time (ms) Time
delayClose number Delay close time (ms) Time
delayOpen number Delay open time (ms) Time
enterable boolean Whether mouse is allowed to enter the floating layer of popover,when the value of trigger is set tohover
followCursor boolean Whether enable speaker to follow the cursor
full boolean The content full the container
onBlur () => void Lose Focus callback function
onClick () => void Click on the callback function
onClose () => void Callback fired when close component
onEnter () => void Callback fired before the overlay transitions in
onEntered () => void Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning in
onEntering () => void Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition in
onExit () => void Callback fired right before the overlay transitions out
onExited () => void Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning out
onExiting () => void Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition out
onFocus () => void Callback function to get focus
onOpen () => void Callback fired when open component
open boolean Whether to open the overlay
placement Placement ('right') Dispaly placement
preventOverflow boolean Prevent floating element overflow
speaker * Tooltip | Popover | ReactElement Displayed component
trigger Trigger (['hover','focus']) Triggering events

Whisper methods

Whisper methods are available via ref on Whisper component.

const whisperRef = useRef();

<Whisper ref={whisperRef} {...}>

Available methods include

  • open

Open a overlay.

open: (delay?: number) => void
  • close

Close a overlay.

close: (delay?: number) => void

Update overlay position

  • updatePosition
updatePosition: () => void


type Trigger =
  | Array<'click' | 'contextMenu' | 'hover' | 'focus' | 'active'>
  | 'click'
  | 'contextMenu'
  | 'hover'
  | 'focus'
  | 'active'
  | 'none';


type Placement =
  | 'top'
  | 'bottom'
  | 'right'
  | 'left'
  | 'bottomStart'
  | 'bottomEnd'
  | 'topStart'
  | 'topEnd'
  | 'leftStart'
  | 'leftEnd'
  | 'rightStart'
  | 'rightEnd'
  | 'auto'
  | 'autoVerticalStart'
  | 'autoVerticalEnd'
  | 'autoHorizontalStart'
  | 'autoHorizontalEnd';
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